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  • How to shop mindfully on Black Friday

    How to shop mindfully on Black Friday

    The deals have been rolling into our inboxes this past week and oh my, aren't they tempting! Our fingers can’t add to cart fast enough! But those deals often lead to a wardrobe full of nothing to wear and an...

  • Still Life Gifting Series

    Still Life Gifting Series

    With the gifting season creeping up we decided to rope our creative friends Illsa Wynne-Hoelscher Kidd and Poppy Buntz to come by the shop and create a dreamy still life series to help get your gift giving inspiration flowing.  Check...

  • BWF in Moss Magazine

    BWF in Moss Magazine

    Our friends at Moss Magazine were kind enough to give us a shout out in their latest issue, Green Goddess. Moss Mag is bi annual sustainable fashion magazine with an emphasis on local designers and innovators. 
  • Better with Summer Playlist

    Better with Summer Playlist

    Songs to soak in the summer rays to. Grab your self cocktail, lay back, get some sunshine and let the stresses of the last year seep away.