Slow Fashion Wins: Why France's Tax on Fast Fashion is a Step in the Right Direction

Here at Better with Friends, we've always championed conscious clothing – beautiful pieces made with love for both people and the planet. Recently, exciting news emerged from France that aligns perfectly with our values: a tax on fast fashion!


France's bold move proposes a levy of €10 (around $16) per fast fashion item. This, alongside a ban on advertising for these ultra-fast brands, aims to tackle the environmental and ethical issues plaguing the fashion industry.


Why is this a win for slow fashion?

Fast fashion is notorious for its cheap, disposable clothing. Clothes are churned out at breakneck speed, often with little regard for quality, worker well-being, or the environment. This cycle of "buy, wear once, discard" creates mountains of textile waste and fuels a race to the bottom in terms of production standards.


The French tax disrupts this cycle. By making fast fashion more expensive, it encourages consumers to think twice before buying a trendy piece they might wear a few times. This shift in consumer behaviour opens the door for slow fashion to shine.



Why choose slow fashion?

Slow fashion stands in stark contrast to fast fashion, emphasising quality craftsmanship, timeless styles, and ethical production. Here are the top three reasons why slow fashion is a superior choice:


Sustainable materials: Slow fashion utilizes better quality fabrics, such as natural options like organic cotton and linen, which are more environmentally friendly. Many smaller designers also incorporate deadstock fabric—leftover materials from brands and manufacturers who have over-ordered.
Fair labor practices: Brands committed to slow fashion collaborate with artisans and manufacturers who are treated with respect and paid fair wages.
Investment pieces: Slow fashion focuses on creating clothing designed to last, which becomes cherished staples in a wardrobe rather than contributing to landfill waste.


Should Australia follow suit?

Absolutely! While Australia has launched a voluntary scheme with a small levy per garment, a more substantial approach like France's could significantly impact consumer behaviour. This, coupled with government initiatives to support small, sustainable businesses, would create a thriving slow fashion scene in Australia.


Supporting slow fashion is a win-win

By choosing slow fashion, you're not just getting a beautiful piece of clothing, you're making a positive impact. You're supporting ethical practices, reducing textile waste, and fostering a more mindful approach to fashion.


At Better with Friends, we're passionate about creating a future where fashion is beautiful, sustainable, and ethical. We believe France's tax is a step in the right direction, and we encourage you to join us in embracing slow fashion – it's good for you, good for the planet, and good for the future of fashion!

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